Electronic Signature,
what is it about?
A electronic signature is a legal and technical method that allows users to give consent to digital documents. It is qualified with the same legal value as a manual signature but with more diversified advantages, such as:
Lower costs
Stronger security
Thanks to Adria Digitrust's electronic signature, both you and your recipients will be able to sign your documents with no complications and more compliance.
As it respects the regulation and eIDASstandards, our electronic signature allows you to:
- Be assured of having a secured signature with a private key.
- Respect the principle of WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU SIGN, via a viewer.
- Allows you to get a chip of timestamp,
- Verify the signature's steps by offering a detailed report of all conducted operations.
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You have questions for our solutions?
Contact us!
Adria DigiTrust
Casablanca Finance CityCasablancaMaroc
M.: +212 663-435545
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